Sunday, February 28, 2016

Linking Your Calendar to Alexa

You can link your calendar to Amazon Echo and then ask Alexa about your upcoming schedule.  She can guide you as to upcoming events and time, for today or a specific day in the future.  For non-specific requests, such as "What's my schedule this week?" or "What's on my calendar?", she'll provide the next few events.

Why do this?  Well, it's certainly not top-of-the-list for usefulness, but it can be easier than pulling out your phone to check.  And if your hands are full, in the middle of something, hands-free can be just the thing.  And, as with all things Echo, for the elderly and disabled it can be a game changer.

First off, you do have to have a Google Calendar with your events.  This is the biggest drawback.  Google Calendar can sync with other calendars, such as your iOS Calendar, but these synced events are not picked up by Alexa in my tests.

Google Calendar is easy to use.  Here is a link to a tutorial.

Assuming you have a Google Calendar (or plan on setting one up shortly), here are the steps to link Echo and your calendar. 

Start by opening your Alexa app. Tap on Settings and choose Calendar.

Note you have no Google Calendar linked.  Tap the Google Calendar white box.

You'll see your name.  Tap "Link Google Calendar account".

Sign in to Google with your Google email id and password.

Tap Allow to give Alexa permission to interface with your Google data.

That's all there is to it!  You can now query your calendar by voice.

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